
My tattoo is finally done perfect! I'm so happy! I'm also preparing some giveaways and new fabulous looks for you, stay tuned :)

Pics by Juliett K.

Interview with former cop about PTSD

Haven't read the book but I'm guessing it's pretty good. Couple things to note about this brief interview. First, it highlights one of the ways people become traumatized. Namely, when you feel you're life is in immediate danger. You don't have to kill someone or be seriously wounded to get PTSD. If you experience an event in which you BELIEVE you are about to die or be seriously injured, that could be enough to trigger a trauma response. 

Secondly, notice the role of family in Jimmy Bremner's healing process. Research shows that police FAMILIES can either be an exacerbating or a healing force when confronted with PTSD. This is another reason working on our family relationships is so important throughout our police career. 

Finally, he's not talking about the shit bird that's a waist of oxygen and should have died except of course he didn't die because shit birds never die, because only the good people do... He says, "The gentleman" when referring, the guy. He clearly hasn't let his experience as a police officer steal his compassion, as it does for so many of us. We could all learn something from Mr. Bremner. 

Happy Holidays!

Here's the link:

[PL] Wyniki konkursu!

Hoł, hoł, hoł! Czas na prezenty świąteczne :)

1. Miejsce (darmowy udział) - Weronika Wojciechowicz - za prawdziwą, nieprzerwaną miłość do sztuki
2. Miejsce (50% zniżki) - Paulina Junko - za interesujący pomysł
3. Miejsce (30% zniżki)  - Dorota Woźniczka - za swoją wizję Paryża

Chcemy również wyróżnić dwie dziewczyny o wielkich wyobraźniach, które miejmy nadzieję przeniosą nas kiedyś do świata bajek - Małgorzata Twardowska i Anika Połom :) Dla Was mamy 50 zł zniżki na udział w warsztatach.

Proszę wygrane osoby o kontakt na w celu zarezerwowania miejsc.

Dla wszystkich pozostałych chętnych oraz ich znajomych - na hasło 'charlotte' 10% zniżki na dowolny termin warsztatów! :)

Gratuluję i do zobaczenia 7-go stycznia! :)

How to Prevent Knee Injuries

The knees are among the most vulnerable joints of the human body. This vulnerability mostly stems from frequent use as we constantly engage them daily when walking and exercising. Knee pain is a very common condition that affects as much as 19% of the population. While knee pain tends to be more common in women, its occurrence increases steadily with age in both genders.
Some of the common causes of knee pain often come in the form of sprains, strains, and fractures, most of which can be avoided. To prevent knee pain or injuries from some of the most common causes, here are a few tips:
  • Wear good shoes that provide adequate support for your arches. Ill-fitting shoes increase the incidence of pronation which puts extra stress on your knees and may eventually result in pain and even injury.

  • Carrying heavy objects puts a lot of stress on your knees; ask for help if you suspect that an object may be too heavy for one person to move.

  • It is important to maintain a healthy weight. Not only does extra weigh put a lot of stress on your knees, it also increases your risk of developing osteoarthritis.

  • Exercises like walking or swimming can strengthen your knees; however, controlling your intensity level and alternating days with other exercises is good practice to avoid hurting yourself in the process.

  • Weight training is also a good way to strengthen your knees, and there are several low impact exercise machines in the gym that will engage your knees and keep them strong, making them less prone to injury.

  • Protect your knees by wearing guards during recreational sports like soccer, and don't forget to stretch before engaging in physical activities. Be mindful of the correct techniques and positions when exercising, and always use them.
Engaging in exercises that improve strength and flexibility is one of the surest ways to prevent the common causes of knee injuries. Some of the benefits that come with such exercises are mentioned below:
Strengthening exercises: Strengthening exercises engage your hamstrings and quadriceps. Strengthening them will reduce stress and aid your knees in absorbing shock.
Flexibility exercises: Flexibility exercises stretch the muscles that support your knees, while strengthening them in the process. Gentle stretches improve flexibility and reduce soreness, while vigorous stretching can cause pain and muscle tightening.
Keeping your knees healthy and preventing injury starts with developing strong and flexible supportive muscles. A qualified physician can give you a customized exercise plan as well as specific tips to help keep your knees in good condition.


New boots from H&M, blouse from Felicee and rings from Romwe

It's my last post before Christmas, so I wish you all best! Be happy and fashionable these holidays ;) Time to visit my family!

PS. Przypominam o konkursie - zostały tylko 3 dni! Do wygrania vouchery na warsztaty z podstaw fotografii!

Mary & Magdalene

My new shoot was published exclusively on Ben Trovato Blog with an introducing interview. It's my first fashion story in a long time... We put a lot work in it and I think we all are very proud of effects. Hope you love them too!

 left: Corset: Kawalko. right: Dress: Shumik 100%.
 left: Top and skirt: Shumik 100%. Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell. right: Dress: Shumik 100%, Belt: Kawalko, Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell.
 left: Dress: Charlotte Rouge, Skirt: Jarosław Ewert, Cross necklace: Mango. right: Top: Shumik 100%.
 left: Leggings: Kawalko, Flower wreath: Pat Guzik, Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell. right: Veil: Pat Guzik, Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell.
 left: Shirt: Charlotte Rouge. right: Body: Shumik 100%

Photography – Me & M.
Styling - Me :)
Makeup artist – Anna Wiśniewska
Set design – Zuza Słomińska
Models – Kate @ WonderModels, Robert Ryzek
Assistants – Marta Kozarzewska, Olga Wyszyńska

Happy 2 years

Yesterday my little blog turned 2 years old. A lot of things happened in 2011, but the most important thing is that I became a fashion designer and my life feels more complete now.
It's December and I finally am free until May, no work, just pleasure... First lazy Saturday I spent on taking narcissistic self-portraits ;)

Blouse Felicee, Ring Romwe, Boots H&M (new!)

Dear Blog, I'm gonna repeat it again and again - I've learned how to dress because of you! I'd like to thank you for being my best friend. And y o u, my dearest readers for sharing love for fashion!

New jewelery by Romwe - great birthday gift!
Shirt H&M, Heels Stylowe Buty

 Ring with studs Romwe, Blouse River Island

And a gift for you - a little sneak peek of my new T-shirts prints! Hope you like it and want more! :)
Tees will be available in January 2012... Stay tuned for more info!

[PL] Giveaway - vouchery na warsztaty fotograficzne!

Uwielbiam obdarowywać prezentami, a z okazji mijających w grudniu 2 lat istnienia bloga chciałabym dać Wam coś wyjątkowego - wiedzę :) Od nowego roku rusza nowa edycja warsztatów dla początkujących i pragnących rozszerzyć swoją wiedzę fotografów, które prowadzę wraz z Marcinem. Nagród nie wygrają losowe osoby. Chciałabym abyście zamknęli oczy i w swojej wyobraźni stworzyli obraz, zadali sobie pytanie 'Jak wykorzystam zdobytą wiedzę?' Opiszcie projekt, który planujecie zrealizować po zakończeniu nauki. To może być sesja modowa, rodzinna, reportaż tematyczny, czy z podróży. Liczy się kreatywność! :)

Wraz z Marcinem wybierzemy 3 najciekawsze opisy, a do wygrania:
1. miejsce - Darmowy udział w warsztatach dla początkujących w dniach 7-8 stycznia.
2. miejsce - Zniżka 50% na udział w warsztatach dla początkujących w dniach 7-8 stycznia.
3. miejsce - Zniżka 30% na udział w warsztatach dla początkujących w dniach 7-8 stycznia.

Co należy zrobić aby wygrać?
1. Zostaw komentarz pod postem ze swoim imieniem, nazwiskiem, mailem i opisem projektu do godziny 23:59 dnia 23.12.11.
2. Obserwuj mojego bloga przez Google, Bloglovin' lub Facebook.

Wyniki ogłosimy 24. grudnia :)


Shoes like candies

New shoes on board! I'm not addicted though. I could live with my 3 favorite pairs, but they should change every 6 months... Or maybe I am? ;)

Ankle boots Stylowe Buty
Shirt-dress Felicee

You can be the boss


Pics by Juliett K.
Studded dress Charlotte Rouge

I'm leaving for a week to Swizterland. Time to clear my mind, get fit and loose weight :D