
So it's 2011... can't believe, that the year ended so quickly. I wonder how much time will I need to remember to write .11 not .10 in contracts... God, time runs so fast. And the last week especially. It was very lazy. I was suppose to finish the sketches for my collection, but ended in front of TV or... snowboarding at local little hill. Now I have a hurting ass and some sadness inside, because I didn't go anywhere for the New Years Eve. Well, nobody has invited to a party us nor we didn't want to make one. Anyways - you'll find no crazy party look here today. I just put my lovely fringe dress and slims to feel good this evening. We played Broderlands and Rock Band, watched some movies and drunk delicious champagne :) So... my new year's fashion resolution is... to start wearing maxi dresses as casual clothing! ^_^

Here are my latest looks:

My gorgeous red dress for the Christmas Eve <3

As you can see I have a new maxi dress. It's from H&M i just bought it 2 days ago. Isn't it lovely? ^_^ The look is for contest about your most precious piece of clothing - here my bag ^_^ I know it's an accessory - hope they will accept my entry.

And here's my look for Reserved contest (the new year's eve outfit must have at least one piece from Reserved - here is the blouse with puffy sleeves).

I am leaving tomorrow to spend real holiday and learn how to ride on snowboard. It's the first time I will go into mountains in winter! Hope I won't break any leg! ^_^

I have a nice photoshoot I styled to show you! ^_^ Stay tuned!

PS. Thank you all for kind comments about my first dresses! <3
PS 2. DoTheTwist - contact me please via email, I can't get in touch with you about the giveaway.